• The joy of landscape photograph for me is the being there. Being a part of nature and witnessing its wonders. Those wonderfully unpredictable conditions and fleeting moments of light that make the heart beat a little faster. The thrill of watching the first light of the day creep over the frozen stillness of a wintry landscape, while the air and my fingers tingle with the cold, and the challenge of capturing the atmosphere of moments like this is what it is all about.

  • I live in a quiet part of Suffolk in the heart of East Anglia. It is an area that I love to photography but my work takes me all over the country and to many parts of the world. Working on interesting projects with clients from the National Trust to NEOM. The resulting images have been widely published, you can see some examples here.  

    As an experienced photography tutor I have been running 1-2-1 and group workshops in East Anglia for almost ten years. I also run regular photography workshops for the National Trust, Forestry Commission and Royal Photographic Society. Further afield I lead several photography tours a year to stunning locations around the world including Iceland, Namibia and Madeira.

  • Highlights include:

    2023 Awarded FRPS - Fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society

    2023 became a brand ambassador for Integral Memory

    2023 International Garden Photographer of the Year - finalist

    2022 International Garden Photographer of the Year - highly commended/commended

    2021 joined f-stop bags as a Pathfinder Ambassador

    2021 International Garden Photographer of the Year - highly commended

    2020 joined LEE Filters as a Master Ambassador

    2020 Essex in Photographs published

    2019 Photographing East Anglia published

    2018 Meanderings solo exhibition, Boat House gallery, Flatford

    2018 Landscape Photographer of the Year - 3 images commended

    2018 Your Vision competition - overall winner

    2018 Suffolk Wildlife Trust Photography competition - category winner

    2018 Interviewed on The Togcast photography podcast

    2017 International Garden Photographer of the Year - highly commended

    2017 International Garden Photographer of the Year - special award 2nd place

    2017 Outdoor Photographer of the Year - finalist

    2017 Landscape Photographer of the Year - commended

    2017 RHS Photography competition - category winner

    2017 Your Vision competition - category winner

    2016 Landscape Photographer of the Year - commended & book cover

    2016 A stone's throw solo exhibition, Boat House gallery, Flatford

    2015 International Garden Photographer of the Year - commended

    2015 Landscape Photographer of the Year - commended

    2015 RHS Photography competition - runner up

    2014 Shipwrecked Mariners society - overall winner

    2014 International Garden Photographer of the Year - commended

    2013 Started working as a professional landscape photographer

    2013 Landscape Photographer of the Year - commended & book cover

    2012 Landscape Photographer of the Year - commended 

  • I am fortunate to have worked on some very interesting projects with some equally interesting clients, click here to see some of the projects I have worked on and here to see some of my published work.

  • At the moment my time is mainly taken up by work on a second guidebook for Fotovue, Photographing Essex but I have also been busy planning some exciting new workshops. Introducing new workshops involves a lot of time spent planning, scouting and photographing locations over multiple visits but I am gradually expanding my workshop range to include more of the stunning landscapes around the British Isles and hopefully beyond.

  • While I believe that the equipment is the least important part of photography, as a professional I need quality and reliability. I have always used Canon cameras and I’m proud to be an ambassador for two of the best names in photography gear LEE Filters and f-stop bags.

    • Canon R5

    • Canon R7

    • Canon RF 16mm / 14-35mm / 24-105mm / 100-500mm lenses

    • Canon EF 70-200mm / 100mm macro / 500mm lenses

    • LEE Filters ND, graduated ND and polariser filters

    • Gitzo Systematic and Mountaineer tripods / Arca Swiss & Lensmaster heads

    • f-stop Tilopa and Ajna bags

    • Integral memory cards

    • DJI Mavic 2 Pro and Mini 3 Pro drones

    • Fuji X-Pro1 Infrared camera

  • I’m a proud member of Nature First: The Alliance for Responsible Nature Photography and I’m dedicated to following the Nature First Principles:

    • Prioritize the well-being of nature over photography

    • Educate yourself about the places you photograph

    • Reflect on the possible impact of your actions

    • Use discretion if sharing locations

    • Know and follow rules and regulations

    • Always follow Leave No Trace principles and strive to leave places better than you found them

    • Actively promote and educate others about these principles