Better late than never
Dokey Woods, Hertfordhsire in autumn
In what seems to have become typical British fashion, all the seasons this year have been running late, very late, weeks late. Apparently it's all been due to the wrong weather or leaves on the line or something but whatever the reason, it not only messed up my carefully laid plans for seasonal landscapes but has obviously rubbed off on me which is why on Christmas Eve I find myself writing about a trip I made in autumn.
The trip in question was to Ashridge Estate in Hertfordshire, a wonderful area of rolling hills and woodland that after three or four visits I'm just starting to get to know. I actually visited there three weeks later than originally planned and still found the autumn colours weren't close to hitting their fiery peak and a surprising amount of greenery still around.
The mist I was hoping for didn't materialise but this game would be no fun if conditions were perfect every time and despite these slight disappointments the colours as the first rays of sun broke the horizon made it worth the 4 hour round trip.
I'l leave you with a couple more photos but that'll have to be all for now as I still have another 388 photos from this year that I've earmarked to process and I really should try and catch up before 2014 rolls around. I'm always adding new shots to the galleries on my website as I work through the never ending backlog so keep checking back if you want to see new work.
View from the Ivinghoe hills, Hertfordshire
Ashridge Estate, Hertfordshire in autumn